CLAY DIVIDER CAE Auto-meshing Generator CLAY DIVIDER for Windows NT 4.0 and Windows2000

Dramatically Improves Processes
When auto-meshing a three-dimensional shell element, a group of CAD surfaces are automatically recognized as a single zone (virtual zone). A mesh is generated for each zone. This method drastically reduces the amount of meshing process. A number of mesh patterns are provided for flexible mesh generation according to the type of analysis and shape.
Main Functions
Operation Procedure
Contact Process
Operating Environments
Operation Flow
Three-dimensional CAD
CATIA, etc.
Reading basic shapes
Initialization Initialization for creating a virtual zone
- CAD gap setting - Inter-face angle
Auto Virtual Zone - Automatically recognizing CAD surfaces, outer diameters, and zone directions
- Selecting mesh patterns
- Basic element size
- Minimum element size

(CAD surface recognized in auto virtual zoning)
Specifying a Feature Line Selecting a Hard Line - Specifying and generating for each virtual zone
Selecting Hard Points (Arbitrary)
Auto-meshing - Turning on or off re-meshing
FEM Mesh Completed
FEM Mesh Editing - Morphing
- Enhanced re-meshing
- Model Editing
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